Ethereum: Why is my contribute method failing with « missing revert data »?

Ethereum: Why My Contribution Method is Failing with « Missing Revert Data »

As a developer working on a Solidity smart contract for an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), you’ve likely encountered various issues that can hinder the success of your project. One common error that can occur during testing is the « missing revert data » issue, which affects the functionality of certain contribution methods. In this article, we’ll delve into what causes this error and provide guidance on how to resolve it in your contract.

What does « missing revert data » mean?

Ethereum: Why is my contribute method failing with

In Ethereum, a revert event occurs when an invalid or unsupported state is encountered during a transaction. This can happen for various reasons, including:

  • Invalid or missing contract data: If the contract’s internal variables are not initialized correctly, it may trigger a revert.
  • Invalid function calls: Functions that don’t follow the standard Solidity syntax or use incorrect parameter types can cause reverts.
  • Uninitialized state variables

    : If the contract’s state is not properly set before using certain functions, it may lead to reverts.

Why is my contribution method failing with « missing revert data »?

Let’s assume your contribution method looks like this:

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

contract TokenContributor {

address public owner;

uint public balance = 0;

// Function to contribute tokens

function contribute() public payable {

require(msg.value >= 1 ether, "Invalid input");

if (balance > 0) {

require(msg.value == balance * 1 ether, "Tokens must be equal to the initial amount");

balance += msg.value;

} else {

// Add a revert condition here




In this example, the contribute function checks if the user has contributed enough tokens and if their contribution is equal to the initial value. However, there’s no revert statement to handle cases where an invalid or missing state variable is encountered.

The « missing revert data » error

If your contract encounters a revert event, it will pause execution and return control to the caller with an error message indicating that the input is invalid or the state has changed. This can cause your contribution method to fail if not handled properly.

For example, let’s say you try to contribute 100 tokens but receive a revert:

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

contract TokenContributor {

address public owner;

uint public balance = 0;

// Function to contribute tokens

function contribute() public payable {

require(msg.value >= 1 ether, "Invalid input");

if (balance > 0) {

require(msg.value == balance * 100 ether, "Tokens must be equal to the initial amount");

balance += msg.value;

} else {

// Revert condition here





In this case, when a user tries to contribute 100 tokens but receives an invalid revert message, their contribution method will fail and stop execution.

Resolving the « missing revert data » issue

To resolve this issue, you need to add revert statements in your contract’s functions that may cause reverts. Here are some suggestions:

  • Add a revert condition at the beginning of each function: This ensures that an error is thrown if any invalid or missing state variables are encountered.

« `solidity

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

contract TokenContributor {

address public owner;

uint public balance = 0;

// Function to contribute tokens

function contribute() public payable {

require(msg.value >= 1 ether, « Invalid input »);

if (balance > 0) {

require(msg.value == balance * 100 ether, « Tokens must be equal to the initial amount »);

balance += msg.

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