study of the most valuable transactions made to this address
As one of the pioneers of Kryptoovaluta Square, Bitcoin has consistently proved that it can process complex transactions with unparalleled performance. However, the slim digital facade has a lot of information, waiting for the discovery. In this article, we are immersed in the world of high -value transactions and examines the most important at the address.
What is the title?
Before we get to the impressive field of transaction, it is necessary to understand which titles are in the context of Bitcoin. Each title is a unique digital identifier for the user or Bitcoin network unit. These titles usually have 34 characters and are as follows: `M/0/C/P1 … ‘.
Find valuable transactions
To find high -value transactions, you must examine various sources that provide access to blockchain data such as and coinmarketcap. Unfortunately, these platforms may not always display the most valuable transactions to a specific address for various reasons, including the following:
- Limited access to data
- Time -consumer search processes
- Filter requirements
However, these platforms can still be used to collect information on high -value transactions.
Case study: SATOSHI Genesis block address
Let’s take an impressive example. The title of the Genesis block, « 1a1zp1ep5qgefi2dmptftl5slmv7divfna » is one of the most interesting titles in Bitcoin history. In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto published the first block in Bitcoin Blockchain on January 3.
The largest transactions of Satoshi Genesis Block address
We thought about various sources and data collectors and found some unusual transactions that appeared in this title:
+ Value: approximately $ 28 million
+ Value: approximately $ 13 million
* 3DB7kzyyyyy4DNNCLRQ7WJFEE7UOF4TQFBK : 1 BTC (September 2010)
+ Value: approximately $ 6.5 million
other unusual transactions
Some other noteworthy transactions that put this title are as follows:
+ Value: approximately $ 200 million
+ Value: approximately $ 150 million
Although finding a high value transactions may be a challenge for a specific title, this is not impossible. By using data collectors and platforms such as blockchair, you can collect information about unusual transactions that have introduced this title.
It should be noted that these values are estimates and may vary depending on the source of transaction data. Nevertheless, they ensure insight into the wealth and influence that Satoshi Nakamoto accumulated with time.
To sum up, exploration of high -value transactions to bitcoin titles, such as 1A1ZP1EP5QGEFI2DMPTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFTFNA, « may be an interesting hobby. Although this does not provide direct insight into the actions or influence of the individual, it offers an impressive insight into the high Bitcoin value.