Ethereum: How is the size of a block calculated?

Calculating a block size in Ethereum and its enforcement

As a prominent alternative to traditional blockchain technology, Ethereum has gained huge popularity over the years with its decentralized financing applications (Defi), no-fungable tokens (NFT) and intelligent contracts. One of the key aspects of the Ethereum scalability is the size of the block that determines the number of transactions that can be processed in each block. In this article, we immerse ourselves into the calculation of the Blocksize in Ethereum, and specifically examine its computing process to enforce a 1 MB limit.

Calculating Ethereum block size

Calculating a block size in Ethereum is a complex process involving several steps:

  • Number of transactions : The first step includes counting the number of transactions in each block. This is usually done by iterying all transactions that have been added to the block and storing them in the field.
  • HASTING Transactions : The hash of each transaction is then used as the basis for the calculation of hash block.
  • Function Hash

    Ethereum: How is the size of a block calculated?

    : The hash function based on the SHA-256, such as the KECCAK-256 algorithm, is used to combine Hash’s transactions into one chain called « Block data ».

  • Encryption and signature : Block data is encrypted by pairs of public-private couples and then signed by account that owns the transaction.
  • Calculation of hash block : Encrypted blocks data is then already has shown using the same hash function based on the SHA-256, leading to a new chain called « Block hash ».

enforcement of the 1 MB limit

The calculation of the block size in Ethereum is designed to ensure that each block can have a maximum of 4 MB of data. Two algorithms are used to promote this limit:


  • Block data size : The number of transactions in the block also affects its size.

The calculation of the Ethereum block size is done using a combination of the following formulas:

block_size = (transaction_count * transaction_hash_length + block_data_size)

block_size = 4MB - (block_hash_length / 8)

Where bloc_size is the total block size,transaction_countis the number of transactions in the block,transactions_hash_length ablock_data_size are constants that determine the contribution to the size of the block.

Comparison with bitcoin core

Bitcoin Core, popular implementation of bitcoins protocol, also uses a similar calculation method to promote its 1 MB limit. The key difference lies in the use of different hash features and algorithms:

  • Ethereum uses the SHA-256 hash features as KECCAK-256.
  • Bitcoin Core uses SHA-256 hash features such as RIPEMD-160.

As far as scalability is concerned, both implementations have their own strengths and weaknesses. While the bitcoin core can handle higher transaction rates due to its ability to process multiple transactions per second, the calculation of the Ethereum block size is optimized for high -capacity networks focusing on scalability.


In conclusion, calculating the block size in Ethereum involves counting the number of transactions, extinguishing them using the SHA-256 algorithm, and encryption and signing each transaction. Two algorithms are used to enforce a 1 MB limit: the length of the hash transaction and the data size. The formula block_size = (transaction_count * transaction_hash_legth + block_data_size) determines the total block size based on these factors.

The Ethereum team is still trying to improve scalability and performance by exploring new solutions such as Sharding and Layer 2 technologies. As regards the Bitcoin core, its developers focus on increasing network capacity while maintaining a balance between safety and efficiency.


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