Ethereum: How to install bitcoind (Bitcoin Core) on Ubuntu?

Installing Bitcoinda on Ubuntu


Bitcoind is an official client of Bitcoin Core, a decentralized peer network that enables a quick, safe and open financial transaction without the need for intermediaries like banks. Installing Bitcoinda on Ubuntu provides a full node only commanding line, allowing you to manage your own bitcoin with a private key, checking transactions and mines of the new blocks.

Step 1: Update the package index

Before installing Bitcoinda, make sure the package index is up to date:


SUDO APT update


Step 2: Install Bitcoind

Download the latest Bitcoind package from Ubuntu warehouse or install it from the source. For this example, we will use the "APT" package manager.



SUDO APT-GET Install -y Bitcoin-Core


If you prefer to install from a source:


Git clone

CD Bitcoin-Core

./Configure -prefix =/USR/locally


Make a judge installation


Step 3: Check the installation

To check if Bitcoind is properly installed, check the Bitcoin Core version you use:


Bitcoind -Version


This command should show the number of versions.

Step 4: Send your node

To test your full knot, perform the following steps:

  • Make a new Bitcoin address : Start theGetrinfo command to get information about your public and private addresses:


Getaddrinfo -p 443


This will also show your public and private addresses.

  • Check the transactions

    : Usetxlistcommand to check that you receive a new block transaction, indicating that the network works correctly:


txlist -address = you_public_address


Replaceyour_public_addresswith your actual Bitcoin address.

  • MINE A COIN (optional) : If you want to use a new block of coins using Bitcoinda, use the following command:


Bitcoind -Q -q -v


This will request your password before you start the mining process.

Step 5: Check your wallet

After that, checking that everything works properly, you should check your wallet to ensure your private key is available:

  • Get your seed phrase

    Ethereum: How to install bitcoind (Bitcoin Core) on Ubuntu?

    : Start theGetseed ‘command’ to find your seed phrase:


Getseed -the Full


This will display a 12 -word seed phrase.

  • Check your balance : UseBalanscommand to check your current balance:


Bitcoind-Wallet-Getaddress 0x [your seed phrase]


Replace[your seed phrase]` a real 12 -word seed phrase you have retrieved in step 1.



Following these steps, you should have installed Bitcoind on Ubuntu and confirm that it works properly. You can now use the full name to manage the Bitcoin private key, checking transactions and mines of new blocks, all from your own command line.

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