Ethereum: How to make signed API call in Swift

Creating Singed API Calls in Swift: Understanding HMAC-SHA256*

As a developer, you’re likely familiar with the importance off authentication and security in your API. One cruciial aspect is generating signature for the proprietors to verify authenticity and prevent tampering. In this article, we’ll explore how to crate signed API calls sing Swift and HMAC-SHA256.

What is HMAC-SHA256?

Ethereum: How to make signed API call in Swift

HMAC-SHA256 (Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code with SHA-256) is a cryptographic algorithm that is in the case of a mass, the encoded request data) torced data. This signature can be eused for an authentication and verification purposes.

Creating a Signed Request in Swift

To create a signed API call, you’ll need to:

  • Encode your request data: Create an encoded representation off your charge data weoing a library like Data' or a custom implementation.
  • Generate a Secret Key: Use a securer Method (e.g., estimation thesecars framework) to generaate a private key for signing.
  • Create a signature: Use the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm to compress a digital signature based on your encoded request data and secret key.

Example Code: Signed API Call in Swift


import Foundation

class EthereumAPI {

let apiKey = "your_api_key"

let apiSecret = "your_apopi_secret"

func signedRequest(_ requestData: [String: String]) -> ([String: String], Data) {

// Encode the Request data

guy let encodedData = try? JSONEnencoder()

// Generate a Secret Key

let SecretKey = try! SecretKey.generate(apiKey: apiKey, apiSecret: apiSecret)

// Create a signature base on the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm

guard let signature = hmacSHA256(secretKey, encodedData) else { return [], Data() }

// Return the Request Data and signature as an array of

the return [("code": -1022), ("msg":





In this:

  • We must be the first to read data uusingJSONEnnencoder.
  • We generate a secret key singSecretKey.generaate, butch is an API-issued key.
  • We Create a signature based on the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm, passing in the encoded request data and our secret key.
  • Finally, welfare the original request data with signed signature as a tuple of tuples.

Example Usage


let api = EthereumAPI()

let requestData = ["code": -1022, "msg": "Test Request"]

let (signedRequest, signature) = try? api.signedRequest(requestData)

print("Signed Received: \(signedRequest)")


This will output the original request data with a signed HMAC-SHA256 signature.

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