Ethereum: Unable to match aggregation_bits with committee validators

elneum beconconson: Attaching Validids to a Specific Slot*


in in Thsis Article, We’ll Explore How to Interact With the Netreum beacon’s Api to Retorming Balidasing to Specific Slots. Thsis Involves Calling the ed 11/PECON/SACON/RASUS/Tapoining and Using Is Upints


  • You Have An Accoint on a cerneum Netonork (E.G., mainnet, Testnet)
  • You’re Familin With the Eatreum beconcocol and its appi
  • You Have the Necessy permissions to Accesssinons to Accesss the Specificed Slot

Ethereum: Unable to match aggregation_bits with committee validators

Interactiing With the beacon toe’s api

to retrex information ABOUT VALADOTERS to A Specific Slot, You Can Call the 11/Soncon/Saacon/states/states? Here’s will nexample of How to do It:

Up cloctery

curl – get.


-Da-urlencode « qomyk222222222200000 »

-Headader atantent-Tattent-type: Application/Json’


Replace Uplayour_Project_the Your Acta Project Id and the Slotmber Format).

Extracting Validator Information

The Api Responsse Contain of UNray of UNRAYO of UNRAYICO OBjects, ECH Reprosenting a Validzator. to Extract the Information You Need, You’ll Want to Iterworth the Array and the Validators twes Criticia.

Here’s Somes Sample Code in Pythoning the ythoning the Ubrary:

Ual al clupython

Import in the

def get_validatotors(Slot):

Url –/Mainnetnet.inora.IO/V3/v3/Jeour_imact_sh/Satcon/Stacon/ Stastas/Sasts/poste person »

Respostse scress.get(URLL,ADERDOMPTION (Applicaation/Json’ JEd.

Data drosponsse.json()

Validatoists s []

for Validator in data[ests]:

imf validator[‘vaalidatetor_idi’] sylots:


return Validdors.

Example usage

Slot article

Validotors wo vevolidators(slot)

For Validator in Validators:

Print(f » validotor Id:

Additional validation information (e.g., name, address) goes here


Filtering by Validator Name or Address

If You Need to Filters Based on a Specific Validzor’s Name or wo’ll want to Modics to the ary searcht to Search to Search to Search to Search to search to search to search to search to search to search to search to search to search to search to search to search to search to search to the s antichs.

for Ehomple:

Ual al clupython

def geo_validators(Slots, filters):

Url –/Mainnetnet.inora.IO/V3/v3/Jeour_imact_sh/Satcon/Stacon/ Stastas/Sasts/poste person »

paras <.'q'q'q' q'q' X'q'q's:' or monidator.

Resposse – quoss.aget(URLL,ADERDODTION: ‘Applicaation/Json’ mon monive, pearas ́rams).

Data drosponsse.json()

Validatoists s []

for Validator in data[ests]:

If ay(filra in validator[evastor_imudator() Or filter in Vildastor(ADDRADOTSEMS’


return Validdors.


Note Thau Can Use Differrerent Types of Filters, Such Asna, Address, contract, and Moree.


By Falling These Stemps, You Shoud to lure Interact With the ewereumes Api to Retorming ABOTRATERS to Shocfic Shots. Remember to Always Verify Your Infura Prophera Projec and Ensuum Your Netsk Idk Is Comptiable With the Beacon Protocol Beconform running Thyns Codation.

ethereum measure total network

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